Create a Blog with Blogger

How to create a Gmail account

Setting up a Gmail account

(Updated: November 2018)

I understand you don't have a Gmail account yet as a requisite to create a blog.  This is the right place for you to learn how to register an account with Gmail.

To have an Email Services before creating a blog is vital. Email nowadays is so important in our life. We use it anytime in signing up for an account, contact form, sending / receiving files, documents and even in mobile phones, apps and downloads.

You can use or choose any email services which best for you. There are several free email accounts you can find online such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and many more.

I highly recommended to use Gmail, because this free email service is under the umbrella of Google. The users may enjoy these valuable features of Google Adsense, Google Plus, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics by using Gmail account.

Go to Gmail home page to register a FREE account. Type in all your personal details including your password. Then, click "Next" button.

How to create a Gmail account

NOTE: The following screen shots below are self-explanatory guide and steps to completely set-up your Gmail Account.

How to create a Gmail account

How to create a Gmail account

How to create a Gmail account

How to create a Gmail account

How to create a Gmail account

How to create a Gmail account

How to create a Gmail account

How to create a Gmail account

How to create a Gmail account

How to create a Gmail account

CONGRATULATION! You've just created your Gmail Account.

Now, that you have just crated your Gmail account let's proceed  to create your in just few minutes away from now.

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